Saturday, September 29, 2018

Marriage myths; Don't believe everything you hear

Do you ever wonder what the ideal family looks like and how to get your happily ever after? Where does one go to know what that looks like and how to obtain that happiness?

 Many people have family members or friends and think that their family situation is "perfect" because you can't see behind the scenes and the work they put in to making their marriage a successful or watch movies that portray "happily ever after" and make it look easy, so you believe they are madly in love. This is misleading and gives people unreal concepts of a marriage relationship. When I was little I felt this way about my aunt and uncles marriage, I didn't live in an ideal family situation or what I thought a family was suppose to be because there was always conflict and fights at my house and my parents got divorced. I wanted to have that perfect family like in the hallmark movies where they presented a happy life with little work or conflict involved so it seemed. The point is all marriages take work and have conflict, its how you communicate and resolve conflict that makes successful marriages. Both partners have to want the relationship to work and can't give up. Elder Dallin H. Oaks said, "We live in a world in which the whole concept of marriage is in peril and divorce is commonplace." This is so true, the concept of marriage and family have changed dramatically. Whether it is true or not, just because people hear something from lots of people they believe it to be true. We believe what we hear without checking our sources or knowing if what they are saying is true. For example, a lot of people have heard and believe that cohabitation is no big deal and it is okay to have sex without getting married, this shows little commitment or hear that half of all marriages end in divorce and have fear of getting married because of this myth that spread. This statistic causes many people anxiety as they contemplate marriage and put inside their head that they will be that 50% that will be divorced and have a failed marriage. Yes, the divorce rate has increased, but it doesn't mean it should create fear in someones mind about getting married. Its hard to measure and sample this statistic accurately because of the fact that every marriage is different and people get divorced for different reasons. Sometimes you didn't know that person as well as you thought and made life difficult for you or they changed and abused you physically or emotionally. In these circumstances, as much as you want to make the marriage work it is better to protect yourself and get out of that kind of relationship. I felt this with the divorce of my parents, my mom married a man and he was good to her until he changed and stole something that wasn't his. He went to jail and every time he came out he kept stealing, it became part of his lifestyle. My mom loved him and wanted it to work out so bad, she gave him so many chances. He was never there for her and she raised 8 kids all by herself. It was at the point where she finally thought of herself and her children and got divorced. Either way it has powerful affect on children if they got divorced or he stayed and kept going to jail. I believe in these circumstances you have to do what you think is right for you. Its those people that think divorce is the answer after one little problem. You can't let every little thing your spouse does make you so mad that you leave them, you must have forgiveness if you want any marriage to work. Marriage is not easy and it takes work, but it is so worth it. At first I was scared to get married because of my parent's getting divorced and I feared that was going to happen to me. I am so glad I didn't give in to my doubts or fears and found a wonderful man I can talk to and trust. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Intro about me

Family Relations Class

Hello! My name is Staci Moore and I'm from Sacramento California. This is my 3rd semester attending Brigham Young University Idaho and I absolutely love it. I am majoring in Family Consumer Science with an emphasis in education and a certificate in business management. I love sewing, making things, cooking, and anything outdoors. I enjoy biking, swimming, hiking, snowboarding, and just being adventurous. I love my husband. We just got married in August and I am happy and grateful to be with him. He makes me so happy. I'm excited to be in this class this semester and to learn more about families and the controversial topics. I love my family!