When you meet someone and go on multiple dates with them, date exclusively or court, then they purpose and are engaged! This is an important opportunity the two of you have to work together to not only plan a wedding, reception, and honeymoon, but to also plan a LIFE together. A lot of people focus so much on the actual wedding and the reception that I think they sometimes forget what takes place after the 4 hour reception.
People seem to have this illusion that when you get married it is all happy and about having fun. Which you do have fun being with the person you love, but there is also quite a bit of work to do. In the first months and year of marriage there are transitions that take place. A few that I thought of in being married to my husband for two months that we face are financial stress and learning to budget more, learning to balance school, work, temple and still having time for each other to go on dates, tasks of who does what, being with someone that often or letting them in, learning to deal with things when you don't agree with like the way they do something, and sexual relations and learning something your not used to and in the church all growing up sex being not okay and bad and now being married it is okay and a way to connect with your partner. Some of the transitions couples face within being married for a year is that holidays and traditions you have to decide about and how you are going to do it and with who and where your values and priorities lie and all the ones from the first few months that you may still be adjusting to. My husband, Jake and I love each other, but there are still so many things that we are learning about each other and what we prefer and don't like. Its a huge adjustment living with someone else and sharing everything with them especially when for so long you are used to doing things yourself. Its beautiful and special, but also challenging at times. Its work and being able to work together in life, thinking that when you marry it will make life a lot simpler is setting yourself up for failure. Its hard enough just for myself to make decisions and keep life balanced, when adding another person into the equation makes it more complex and confusing. Don't get me wrong, I love being married, it just was and still is a huge adjustment for me. Even though its a transition to make, there are many good reasons to marry someone. Some of the reasons I thought of is to feel loved and to love someone, to bring children into this world and be a family, have someone as a companion and be with you, service, fulfill our potential, it is necessary for exaltation and someone to have sex and please each other in this life. I think that having someone who makes you feel loved is really important to me at least. It helps you to see more in yourself and builds your confidence when you have someone who loves you. I also think that when you love someone you serve them and are a help meet for them. It makes me think about when Adam was in the garden and the lord created a women because it was not good that man should be alone, so he made Eve and provided Adam with a help meet so they can serve each other, learn, grow, and face the challenges of life together. It is such a blessing for my husband and I to be married even though at times it is rough, it will always be hard but going through life with someone makes the journey so much better.
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